vestry|vestries in English


[ves·try || 'vestrɪ]

room in a church in which vestments or sacred vessels are stored; room in a church where meetings or classes are conducted; general meeting of the parishioners of a church

Use "vestry|vestries" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "vestry|vestries" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "vestry|vestries", or refer to the context using the word "vestry|vestries" in the English Dictionary.

1. 2 What could the vestry do, after all?

2. 1 Tying up my shoe-lace in the vestry.

3. 10 The fire in the vestry had started by accident.

4. 7 They walked to the vestry to disrobe, and finally dispersed quietly.

5. 14 When the Mass was finished he followed the priest into the vestry.

6. Bryan was appointed by Parliament, and was not Cordially welcomed by the vestry

7. The most he can say is:"I will see you in the vestry after service."

8. 16 I'd thought there might be a bit of rope or some such in the vestry.

9. 27 The most he can say is:"I will see you in the vestry after service."

10. 14 I went into the vestry and robed for the Mass, then through the grille door into the church.

11. 15 There remained a little grain and rice in the Church, but in the vestry there was nothing.

12. Even when the clergyman appeared from the vestry and began the service, the prayers he intoned brought me no help.

13. 20 It was also noticed that he ceased to whistle unconsciously as he walked up the aisle from the vestry.

14. 18 The passage was quiet, unlit, the oak door to the Little Vestry on the left tightly closed.

15. 24 She is active in her church, serving as a Vestry member and - chair for Grace Episcopal Church.

16. 11 Everything in the vestry had been burned with him,( including the book of marriage records and other important documents.

17. Theodora had found the spare vestry key, neatly labelled, in the top right-hand drawer of Charles Julian's desk.

18. 6 I went into the vestry and robed for the Mass, then through the grille door into the church.

19. The body was later taken into the vestry where it and the venerable head were washed and carefully dried.

20. 24 I went into the vestry and robed for the Mass, then through the grille door into the church.

21. 3 Theodora had found the spare vestry key, neatly labelled, in the top right-hand drawer of Charles Julian's desk.

22. 5 The body was later taken into the vestry where it and the venerable head were washed and carefully dried.

23. 25 I knew very well what Sir Percival had been doing in the vestry , but I wasn't going to say anything.

24. 9 The plans were to include a vestry, church parlour, toilets and classrooms and the estimated cost was placed at £000.

25. 8 Even when the clergyman appeared from the vestry and began the service, the prayers he intoned brought me no help.